SDG Watch Austria Thematic Initiatives
The thematic initiatives are a focal point of the SDG Watch Austria platform aiming to create space for the active cooperation of all member organizations within the framework of the SDG Watch Austria platform. Thematic initiatives are initiated by member organizations or the steering group of SDG Watch Austria.
Active thematic initiatives:
The Education Initiative brings together NPOs which focus on SDG 4 and in particular SDG 4.7 (Education for Sustainable Development). The meetings serve to exchange information on political processes, activities and materials.
Contact: Maria Lettner (
In spring 2019, the Education Initiative developed demands for better anchoring of the 2030 Agenda in the curricula, which were sent in a letter to the former Federal Minister Heinz Fassmann.
Local level
What and who does it take to support the implementation of the 2030 Agenda at the local level - in cities, municipalities and regions? How can the political, economic, social and environmental added value of the 2030 Agenda be communicated to local decision-makers? Questions such as these are addressed by the Local Level Initiative.
Contact: Nadia Prauhart ( & Florian Leregger ( )
For a better overview of activities regarding the implementation of the 2030 Agenda at the local level, the Local Level Initiative compiled a collection (in German) of current initiatives in this field.
The Economy Initiative asks how the SDGs can contribute to a sustainable economic development that promotes decent work for all, sustainable industrialization and sustainable consumption and production patterns. Hereby, the sustainability of the associated targets are under scrutiny as well. The Economy Initiative also provides an opportunity to explore how (manufacturing) companies can use the SDGs as a framework to live up to their corporate responsibility by designing, managing, communicating, and reporting on strategies, goals, and business activities.
Contact: Sigrid Koloo (
The Peace Initiative deals with the issue of peace and future developments. The focus is on the analysis of economic and social causes of conflict and the identification of peace-promoting alternatives and non-violent solutions. Our approach: Without peace and nonviolence there can be no sustainable development and without sustainable development there can be no lasting peace.
Contact: Gerhard Kofler (

Picture: Evelyn Knoll