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SDG Watch Austria provides a list of useful resources regarding the 2030 Agenda, such as educational materials, podcasts, information papers, etc. On this page you can find selected resources that are available in English.
Please click here to see the list of available resources with German descriptions.
For more Resources available in English check the Resources on the SDG Watch Europe Website.

Reports, Information and Practical Tips

Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (2021): The study by GIZ deals with the engagement of stakeholders in SDG follow-up and review. SDG Watch Austria is also mentioned!
THE GLOBAL GOALS for Sustainable Developement by Project Everyone frames the SDGs as the "World's To-Do List". Sticky notes call to action on our world's most challenging problems.
On the website of AG Globale Verantwortung plenty of publications on sustainable development are available.
On the website of IUFE plenty of publications on sustainable development are available (some in English).
On the website of ÖFSE plenty of publications on international development and the SDGs are available.
United Nations: This Guide demonstrates how a contribution to the SDGs can be made by anyone (even the lazy ones).
The Global Goals: By becoming a factivist you can put a spotlight on what's happening in the world right now and take action to help reach the Global Goals. The project provides 10 challenges to which action can be taken immediately.
SDG Watch Europe (2020): In publishing this report, SDG Watch Europe has brought together its members from development work, the environmental sector, the social sector, human rights work and other sectors to provide their expertise and to hold the EU to account on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.
European Environmental Bureau (EEB): In order to engage European NGOs at National and European level on the Sustainable Development Goals this database provides tools to facilitate NGO work on SDGs. Those resources include information on who is working on implementing SDGs in a country, campaigning tools, social media resources and information on events promoting the SDGs. The numerous resources can be filtered by type, country/region and goal which makes the toolkit an accessible database.
D. Stibbe & D. Prescott, The Partnering Initiative and UNDESA 2020 (2020): A practical guide to building high impact multi-stakeholder partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, the guidebook highlights positive examples of cooperation in implementing the SDGs on the national level.
ActionAid, Education International und Light for the World (2020): This report elaborates on why investing in the education workforce is critical to the delivery of SDG4 - quality education. Based on lessons learned from the negative impact the Covid-19 crisis had on the African countries Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria and Tanzania recommendations on how to strengthen the workforce are made.
Global University Network for Innovation (2020): This report offers an overview on the discussions, topics and recommendations treated during the 2nd "GUNi International Conference on SDGs" held in March 2020 in Barcelona. The conference took place within the GUNi SDG-project aiming to provide a platform for research, discourse and reflection on implementing the SDGs.
ÖKOBÜRO (2018): ÖKOBÜRO developed an easy-to-use tool for CSOs, local communities and decision makers to look at political issues “through the lens“ of the SDGs. Particular emphasis is placed on the interdependences between goals and the possibly conflicting goals, short-term and long-term consequences within the dimensions and local and global impacts.
ActionAid & Office of the UN Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth (2020): A Working Paper on young people's inclusion in national follow-up, review and accountability processes of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.

Podcasts and Blogs

Kerry Bannigan (2020): This podcast series illuminates the impacts of fast fashion on the environment. Kerry Bannigan dicusses with designers, innovaters and experts how the SDGs can be implemented in the fashion industry.
Podcast: An Idiot's Guide to Saving the World
Global Goals (2022): In ‘An Idiot’s Guide to Saving the World’, Gail Gallie and Loyiso Madinga will take you on a journey across the globe to meet the people on the frontline; those who are affected and those making a difference.

Educational Material and Games

United Nations (2019): The SDG Book Club lists books for children that are empowering and inspire to act for a better world.
VISIpedia: In the VISIpedia Cloud (Visualizing global issues and sustainable solutions) complex problems and methods of resolution are made visible through comprehensive info graphics. The posters include important elements, processes and actors in complex topics such as climate change, ecovillages or permaculture and therefore allow in-depth engagement with the topics.
Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) (2018): The SDG Academy creates and curates free online courses on university level treating sustainable development. The courses are interactive, providing the opportunity to interact with colleagues as well as a global faculty of experts.