SDG Dialogue Forum 3.0
Where does Austria stand in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and which successes or challenges have shaped the years 2020 - 2023? Which strategies and solutions can advance the SDGs in Austria and globally?
These and other questions are the focus of the SDG Dialogue Forum 3.0, which will take place in 2023 under the banner of Austria's second implementation report to the United Nations (2nd FNU): The Federal Administration, SDG Watch Austria and the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens will again invite representatives from politics, administration, science, business and civil society to discuss the 2030 Agenda in Austria in a variety of dialogue formats in autumn 2023. One goal here is to gain insights and impetus for the 2nd FNU and discuss these with the participation of ministers before it is presented internationally at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in New York in 2024.
An official invitation with a full agenda will be sent out soon and published here.
To the announcement (german) / To the registration (german)

Previous events:
1st SDG Dialogue Forum
Building forward better with the 2030 Agenda
September 28, 2021
co-hosted by SDG Watch Austria
2nd SDG Dialogue Forum
October 6th, 2022, 9:00 – 13:00, Virtual Event
October 7th, 2022, 9:00 – 12:30, Livestream
Invitation and Programme (German)
Report (German)

© BKMC/Eugénie Sophie